
interface MPIMapViewInterface

This class contains methods that help to display and interact with a Mappedin venue


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abstract fun addInteractivePolygon(polygon: MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon)
abstract fun addInteractivePolygon(polygonId: String)

Adds an interactive polygon (allows it to be clickable)

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abstract suspend fun clearAllPolygonColors()
abstract fun clearAllPolygonColors(completionCallback: (MPIError?) -> Unit?)

Clears color on all polygons

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abstract fun createMarker(    coordinate: MPIMap.MPICoordinate,     contentHtml: String,     markerOptions: MPIOptions.Marker = MPIOptions.Marker()): String

Creates a marker on a MPINavigatable.MPICoordinate

abstract fun createMarker(    node: MPINavigatable.MPINode,     contentHtml: String,     markerOptions: MPIOptions.Marker = MPIOptions.Marker()): String

Creates a marker on a MPINavigatable.MPINode

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abstract fun drawPath(path: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>, pathOptions: MPIOptions.Path? = null)

Draws a path on the MPIMapView

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abstract fun enableImageFlippingForPolygon(polygon: MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon)

Enables image flipping for a polygon

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abstract suspend fun getDirections(    to: MPIDestinationSet,     from: MPINavigatable,     accessible: Boolean = true): List<MPIDirections>
abstract fun getDirections(    to: MPIDestinationSet,     from: MPINavigatable,     accessible: Boolean = true,     directionsCallback: (List<MPIDirections>?) -> Unit)
abstract suspend fun getDirections(    to: MPINavigatable,     from: MPINavigatable,     accessible: Boolean = true): MPIDirections
abstract fun getDirections(    to: MPINavigatable,     from: MPINavigatable,     accessible: Boolean = true,     directionsCallback: (MPIDirections?) -> Unit)
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abstract suspend fun getNearestNodeByScreenCoordinates(    x: Int,     y: Int,     map: MPIMap? = null): MPINavigatable.MPINode
abstract fun getNearestNodeByScreenCoordinates(    x: Int,     y: Int,     map: MPIMap? = null,     nearestNodeCallback: (MPINavigatable.MPINode?) -> Unit)

Gets the nearest node by screen coordinates

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abstract fun getPolygonsAtCoordinate(    coord: MPIMap.MPICoordinate,     options: MPIOptions.GetPolygonsAtCoordinate? = null,     polygonsCallback: (List<MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon>?) -> Unit)

Gets a list of polygons by screen coordinates

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abstract fun labelAllLocations(options: MPIOptions.FlatLabelAllLocations? = null)
abstract fun labelAllLocations(options: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAllLocations? = null)

Label all polygons with locations either loaded via the API or passed in

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abstract fun labelPolygon(polygon: MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon, options: MPIOptions.FlatLabel)
abstract fun labelPolygon(polygonId: String, options: MPIOptions.FlatLabel)

Sets a flat label for MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon

abstract fun labelPolygon(polygon: MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon, options: MPIOptions.FloatingLabel)
abstract fun labelPolygon(polygonId: String, options: MPIOptions.FloatingLabel)

Sets a floating label for MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon

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abstract fun loadVenue(    options: MPIOptions.Init,     showVenueOptions: MPIOptions.ShowVenue? = null,     errorCallback: (MPIError?) -> Unit?)

Loads the venue based on the options passed in MPIMapView

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abstract suspend fun removeAllPaths()
abstract fun removeAllPaths(completionCallback: (MPIError?) -> Unit?)

Remove all paths on the MPIMapView

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abstract fun removeMarker(markerId: String)

Removes a marker from a MPINavigatable.MPINode

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abstract suspend fun setMap(map: MPIMap)
abstract suspend fun setMap(mapId: String)
abstract fun setMap(map: MPIMap, completionCallback: (MPIError?) -> Unit?)
abstract fun setMap(mapId: String, completionCallback: (MPIError?) -> Unit?)

Sets the MPIMap of the MPIMapView

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abstract fun setPolygonColor(polygon: MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon, color: String)

Sets the color of the MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon

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abstract fun showVenue(    venueResponse: MPIVenueResponse,     showVenueOptions: MPIOptions.ShowVenue? = null,     errorCallback: (MPIError?) -> Unit?)
abstract fun showVenue(    venueResponse: String,     showVenueOptions: MPIOptions.ShowVenue? = null,     errorCallback: (MPIError?) -> Unit?)

Shows the venue based on the venue data and options passed in MPIMapView


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